Mom Travel Essentials and Tips

Hey Loves!

Are you over hearing about my momcation? Well I won’t bore you with details but I did learn a few tips and have some unusual travel essentials for you. (If you do want details on my momcation, you can read about them starting here.)

Travel Tips: 

  1. Choose a mode of transportation that will gladly leave without you. Plane, train, or friend caravan, for example. As a mom, I know all too well how guilt or things to do will delay or even cancel your trip. Don’t let it. 
  2. Once you plan the days you will be gone, choose departure and arrival times that will give you the maximum time away. If you have fly out at 6 a.m., to enjoy the entire day and fly back 8 p.m., do it!
  3. Bring entertainment-traveling by yourself is way different than traveling with kids. I actually got bored in the airport and on the plane. So get an audiobook, download a movie or get ready to play games. 

Travel Essentials:

  1. Pajamas- I know this sounds odd but a huge part of momcations is the rest. Ariana Huffington says in her book that pajamas prepare your body and brain for rest. She is correct. It didn’t matter what time of day I put pajamas on, my brain slowed and my body stilled. 
  1. Electronics-  I’m sure you’re like, “duh” but as a content creator the mental space I had to create was vast. It was a bummer when I didn’t have all I needed to really work well and efficiently 
  1. A Budget- again, duh. I got out a cash budget. Well, that was before I realized cash isn’t accepted everywhere. So maybe grab some Lyft gift cards or gift cards that can be used anywhere. 
  1. Flexibility- If you are anything like me when you travel, you want to see and experience as much as you can. On a momcation, there’s no way you can do that and have adequate rest. So, be flexible and be ok with not seeing and doing all. 

Hope this helps dears!