Be still…

You know that bible verse, “Be still and know that I am God”? It took me a very long time to to understand its meaning. In fact, I still have to be reminded. I am a planner. I am a strategic thinker. I am a mover and a shaker. I don’t do still…like, literally.

So, for so long, I couldn’t understand why sitting still drew you closer to Him and His plan for you. And then I had no choice but to sit still.

Let me back up and define ‘no choice’ as it pertains to me- I planned, I strategized to get where I wanted to be and I moved and shaked until I could no longer move and shake. I was left with nothing. I felt empty. I felt like a failure. I. Me.

The funny thing about those last two words (I. Me.), as powerful as they are, they don’t contain God. All the planning, all the strategies, and all the moving I did didn’t start or end with God. So, when all was gone, that’s when I understood ‘still’ the way the bible intends.

Still isn’t solely the physical nature but that of your spirit, stilling your heart and mind availing them to God and submitting to His will. I am not ruling out the physical definition of still at all, I’m just saying the stillness must start in your heart and encompass your body.

Back to what got me to stillness…I won’t bore you with all the gory details (depression, anxiety and fear…OH MY!) but let’s just say that, because I was driving myself, I drove straight into a brick wall. At the impact I said ‘Ok God. I will do this Your way now.” And just like that, my heart and my mind submitted to God and my body moved under his direction.

That’s the reason for all the words you’ve read here on I’ve always wanted to write and help people with my writing. I just had to do it on His time, not mines.

What you have read and what you will read helps my life as a Christian woman, wife, daughter, sister and friend and I pray it helps you.

Easter Hair

Hey Loves!

So, Holy Week is upon us and Easter will be here in a few days. It is a very exciting time in our home and in our church. I was pondering over Easter festivities last week and you know what stopped me dead in my tracks…MY HAIR! (I just want to clarify that I’ve had my Easter dress for a while now so I didn’t need to worry about that.)

Yes, my hair…
To blow out or not blow out?
To press or not press?
To rod set or not rod set?

And then it hit me…do I want to spend every Easter concerned about my hair? What if it rains (where I live, that is highly probably any day)?

We are serving during one of the services which means we have to be up and out of the house like 30 minutes earlier. So, that means either less sleep or less time on my hair….let’s be real, it means less sleep.

Are you seeing my problem? While I loooove my hair and loooove looking really cute on Easter my hair should not stop this show. In fact, it shouldn’t even stop on me in my tracks like it does.

I know where this notion comes from. I don’t know about you but when I was a little girl, Easter was special because I got a special dress and special hair. That special hair took special time and it was painful…physically and emotionally. You get kept up past your bed time and woken up early only to be burned on your ear with a hot comb or curling iron (or both) and then comforted with only one piece what the Easter Bunny brought you and tell me you aren’t scarred for life.

I digress…the moral of the story…my hair, while looking fab and appealing, should not be my main concern during Holy Week. I should be focused on serving, repentance, forgiveness and God’s word.

So, I did some marley twists, medium size and the same install method and products used here in my Havana Twist tutorial. I will rod set the ends the Saturday before Easter

I’ll wake up early Easter morning with joy in my heart to serve not anxiety because of the humidity and I’m gonna having to change my hair plan.

To The Man Sitting Next To Me In The Pew

Hey Loves!

I’m back with another post for the She Shares Truth Challenge by She Reads Truth. Today we are reviewing 1 Corinthians 2:1-5.

Last Sunday, I was inspired by the man sitting next to me at church and wanted to share the following with you all. Then, God answered with the She Shares Truth verse for this week. Let me know what you think!

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, you don’t know me or I you but you taught me something that I will carry in my heart.

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, I noticed you give all you could in the collection plate. The pennies, nickels and dimes that barley totaled $1 moved me in ways you will never know.

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, I know you put on your best to come to church today. While I got up and changed my outfit three times, you put on dated hand-me-down jeans and a shirt that was too big.

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, I saw you take your old bible and be steadfast and attentive through the sermon while I used three electronic devices to follow along and enjoyed my protein shake.

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, thank you for reminding me what Jesus needs from us. Thank you for not being ashamed of what you brought to The Lord, what you wore to worship Him, and, most importantly, not letting any of that stop you from coming to church.

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, thank you for inspiring me to draw closer to God and not to things or appearances this world tells me I need. Thank you for reminding that what I give to God should only be validated by God and not what the person next to me gives.

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, what you taught me today was just that, a lesson, not condemnation. You don’t have an address and I don’t know where your next meal will come from but the joy in your heart is remarkable and God rewards the dutiful like you.

To the man sitting next to me in the pew, thank you.
