Why We Use Games in Homeschool

Hey Loves!

It really wasn’t until I began homeschooling that I realized how many skills are used during games and how much one can learn. It was easy to add games to our learning shelves, especially when my kids get them as gifts or I grab them at a fraction of the retail cost by shopping consignment. 

You can see our math games here and our literacy games here. Here is how we use them.

One-on-One parenting time- We regularly connect with our children individually through a game. It is incredibly simple to execute- all you need is  game, a little time and intentionality. The result is fun time and filled love tanks. It is a win-win if I ever saw one!

Brain breaks- My babies are Nuero-diverse and that means we have to break up our learning time and lessons for their brains and bodies to get proper proprioceptive and vestibular input. Those are fancy words for they need movement. Games provide that in a fun and engaging way. Sometimes we can even review while playing games.

Individual activities- I can often split my attention between the two and stay on top of their needs but sometimes they require more of my focus and when that happens, one can play a game while the other works with me more intently. This happens so regularly, I keep learning games all around our house for this purpose.

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