2020-2021 Curriculum Picks: The Intro

Hey Loves!

So, our little homeschool niche of community exploded this Spring and it is only going to grow this fall. To all the rookie homeschool families, WELCOME! I can only imagine how many times your head has spinned so hard, it nearly fell off. You aren’t alone! From my understanding, even the most seasoned of homeschool parents have to re-evaluate, research and sometimes start from scratch. This was me last year. I learned so much about my kids and how they learn and even after ordering curriculum and making videos on said curriculum, I read some books and the game was forever changed. *Note: I’m only stating one book and author as she has publicly made a stand against racial injustice and the others have not. 

  • The Brave Learner, Julie Bogart

The books explained and taught me some foundational things I never had before in our homeschool journey. For starters, proper goal setting. I had no idea I was making goals incorrectly. From these books I also learned that I was homeSCHOOLing not HOMEschooling, see the difference? I wasn’t infusing our home, lifestyle, values or traditions into our learning, I was trying to create a class/ learning time that didn’t really include those things. Finally, I realized my standards fro teachings aids and curricula were wayward. There were a multitude of varying standards that ultimately added up to me having lots of things I didn’t love, forced or gave up on, etc. From these books, I learned to create my standards and how to stick to stick to them. What are my standards? Goodness. Beauty, Truth. If it doesn’t add one or more of those, it doesn’t come in. These standards aren’t just applied to learning materials, it is infused al through my home.

My hope is to be able to re-read these books every year for a “refresher” if you will. I will need it, for sure.

The next thing I always advise is to learn your child’s learning style(s) and love language(s). These are crucial for learning to take place, in my opinion. Since we are talking about my opinion, I will add that not only are learning how your child(ren) learn and feel love crucial to their learning, I feel like not giving them love how they feel love and not teaching them in the manner in which they will learn will lead to further detriment and who needs that???

Ok, so I know you want the headlines, what I am using to teach what subjects at what age/grades, how and why? I get it. I’ve scoured the blogs myself for this exact thing BUT I wish someone, anyone, would’ve started with the things above.

Now, for the curricula, I’ll be sharing them in a blog post per subject because, your scrolling limits and attention span matter to me.

The subjects for grade levels I will be sharing are:

  • Bible
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Black History
  • Enrichment `

But first, what worked this year and what didn’t.

Ok, ttyl!

Love you. Mean it.

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