Dipes and Wipes Pouch

Hey Loves!

Got a super quick craft for ya! So, you know when I told you about out our toddler bag situation? Well, it occurred to me that sometimes we won’t even need that, just maybe the diapers or wipes. So, I made a cute clutch they can go in and be easily removed if necessary.


This seriously took maybe 20 minutes and very easy to do. I followed this tutorial to the T using some cute alphabet fabric that was given to me. That’s it. It was super easy and came out super cute!

Bathroom Update!

Hey loves!

As many of you know, I’m expecting our second baby due in December. So, along with re-doing the nursery, I decided to give the hall bathroom, where all the kids toiletries and bath items are, an update. This will still be the bathroom for guest, so I didn’t want it to be kid-central but just something they could enjoy.


I started by making personalized towel hooks. These are way easier than they sound. I bought two large wooden letters for the first letter of their name, maybe 8-10 inches, and then I bought a pack of small wooden letters to spell out their name. I also purchased a pack of coat hooks. All these items were from Walmart and totaled less than $8. I then painted the larger letters the base neutral color (chocolate brown) and painted the letters alternating accent colors (white and lime). These were already the colors of the bathroom. I had no intention of updating the entire space, just adding accents. Then I super glued the small painted letters on top of the larger initial letter. Sorry for the lack of photos. Nap time crafts don’t lend themselves to properly documenting.


I got the Hubs involved and he found and marked of the studs for me. I attached them to the wall with a nail and wall hanging hooks 


Then, for some extra flare, I found these super cute printables. I still have to find fun frames for them. I want to do them justice! I’ll share more pictures when it is complete!


Toddler Bag Chronicles

Hey Loves!

So, being pregnant has made me realize that my first baby is growing up. Not that I didn’t know before, but it just hits harder now. Anywho, this big boy didn’t need 80% of the stuff I had in our baby bag. I came to this conclusion when I was thinking about the reality of two kids, under two, stroller, carriers and then 2 bags…yeah, no.

So, we pulled out the cutest small back pack we got as a gift. James was so excited about it. We put in the essentials:


1. Germ fighters: Thieves spray, disinfect spray and hand sanitizer. I don’t play about germs.

2. Summer necessities: Sun screen and bug spray. (Two words: Florida, Zika)

3. Butt shields: Diapers and wipes

4. Just in case: change of clothes

5. Fuel: Snacks

I also used a gift card and ordered a coordinating lunch box for days when we need more snacks or even a lunch.


What’s in your toddler bag?

Nursery for Two

Note: We completed this way before we knew the gender of our baby, so don’t think that had an effect, or should have an effect on our decision. Also, excuse the laundry and non-vacuumed floors in the photo. This is true life y’all. 
Hey Loves!

So, this may not be your cup of tea-but when we found out we were expecting another, we decided to make the nursery for both of them. Yes, sharing a room. Here’s the thing, our kids only sleep and get dressed or changed in there. They have a play/learning room, a play area downstairs and outside activities. They don’t need much in the actual bedroom quarters.


So, in my true fashion, I stalked Facebook FSOT sites and craigslist for a toddler bed for James. We were blessed because a friend was selling her’s that was put together and was never used!!!! Score!!!!


We put the crib by the window (James needs zero distractions or items to break) and the toddler bed on the opposing wall. We also purchased a changing table (no, we didn’t have one before) that was in excellent used condition, with great storage, and that shares the wall with the crib. We separated the room with the glider I re-did for nursery in 2014. We kept the dressers that were in there (still waiting on my wall mounts, IKEA) just consolidated items for both kids. Above the dresser, will be an accent wall of photos of the kids.


For the closet, we decided to get this organizational system and add another shelf so each kid will have two hanging sections. Viola, $80 and very little time later, we’ve got a nursery for 2.


DIY Halloween Costumes Tips

Hey loves!

It’s that time of year! Pumpkins, parties and treats GALORE! For those of you who maybe wanted to make your own costumes, that’s great! You can save money, customize them to your family and improve your crafting skills. However, there is a steep rabbit hole that’s very easy to fall in. I want to help you avoid that.


First, research. You know me, I always start with a recon mission. For example, I knew I would be very pregnant and probably huge so I looked up pregnancy costume ideas. You research what appeals to you and what will fit your family. Maybe your kids are into a certain show or movie and you could start there?


Then, I found it! Eureka! I’m not in love but it works, ya know. Well then, I ran it by the primary stakeholder-the hubs. This is serious. I don’t like irritated character portrayal on Halloween. Everyone must be all-in or a really good sport.


Lastly, and this is very crucial, the feasibility of it all. Are we going to wear these again? How much time will have? Do I really want to be that detailed? How much will this cost? What props will I need? Will I use those again? Seriously people, if you are gonna make a costume, make it worth not buying one. Got it? Ok. Great.


For the drama factor, I can’t share the costumes we chose but, it is limited sewing (again I’ll be very pregnant and huge, works well with my big belly, James will be super cute and my husband is excited about it. That’s a WIN-WIN-WIN in my book.


You can win too. Just don’t go down the rabbit hole.


Happy crafting and Happy Halloween!

The Call of a Mom

I’ve always wondered why people said I would be great a mom. To be honest, I still wonder. I don’t think I’m a great mom and I surely don’t refer to myself as such. I know I’m surrounded by great moms and realizing what makes a mom great gave me a little bit more confidence as I am about to expand my brood.

I believe being a great mom is simply having “good-mom” moments. That’s it. A compilation of moments where you did something right or even went above and beyond. That’s it.


As of late, my calling has been to be my child’s advocate. That may sound strange because, in a sense, that’s all of our callings. However, I still had to continue to find someone or somewhere that would help me with my child’s speech delay and hyperactivity.


I knew around 9 months there was a problem and everyone told me not to worry. Everyone. You know how it feels to be so unheard you feel silenced? That’s how I felt. I’m not discrediting the moms or doctors that cut me off or told me “that’s normal”. I believe they honestly thought they were helping. I know it made me feel like I or my child didn’t have a voice.


I kept pressing. I filled out every speech evaluation and got screened wherever we could. Three months later, I had two evaluations and a screening telling me I was right! Vindication! But most importantly, I was able to help my child. Then two months after that, I had six evaluations and two screenings that qualified us for speech and occupational therapy. Finally, someone was listening to me. Finally, someone wanted to help my child too.


So, I say this to say, even when you aren’t heard by others, don’t ignore what your inner-self is saying. It’s tricky, scary, confusing and sometimes heart breaking. It’s hard, but the worst thing that can happen is you find out you did everything in your power for your child to be fine.  


Homeschool Preschool: One Last Thing

Hey Loves!

Sadly (I’m sure this excites you), this is the last installment in the series of prepping for homeschool preschool. I have one more tip: Don’t forget you!


You’ve thought so much about your little or littles and their needs, interest and wants; your wants for them, how you will help them navigate this year but have you thought about you? Have you prayed for you? Asked others to pray for you?


Did you put teacher tools on the back-to-school shopping list? Are you prepared? Did you get coffee, creamer, tea? Did you make your work out schedule? Meal plan to relieve stress in the evening?


You are just as integral, if not more, to this venture than your kids/students. If you aren’t together, neither will they.


Trust me, this is hard for me but we have to make us a priority. Don’t forget about you!


Have a great year and share all your hits and misses with me!


Homeschool Preschool: Get Excited

Hey Loves!

I’m back with more homeschool preschool and it’s time to get excited!!!


Can you feel it? You have researched, lesson planned, organized, gave up, got back on the proverbial horse, maybe made a circle time wall and now, the first day is almost here!


Let’s party!!! ??????


Something to help get the excitement in the air?


Decorate! Put up a cute banner, a back to school door hanger or try a different table cloth. Anything is possible and it’s up to you.


Get school supplies! Crayons? Paint? Construction paper? Make a list and hit the stores! You can also find fun ways to organize it! Don’t forget sales and the dollar store to make this cost effective!!


Finally, spread the excitement! Someone, somewhere wants to celebrate with you! Find a community of support and rally with the troops!


You are on your way!