Superhero VBS

Hey Loves!

It’s been a minute, I know. Being Black in America is always hard, the last few weeks have been especially hard. I’ve been rage filled, very weepy and determined which led to learning, teaching, sharing, more teaching, and more research. That took a toll on me, to say the least. To help heal my mind and steady my heart, I got to work planning our Vacation Bible School, VBS to us. 

Little back story-I’ve volunteered at VBS since I was pregnant with James. Every summer my kids went to VBS from utero to last year because we were in a new place and it takes quite a while for me to trust any establishment with my kids. That broke my whole heart. So, for this summer I was determined. I was registered to volunteer in February. Then COVID-19 shut it all down. Not one to take defeat easily, I asked and hunted for virtual VBS options, only to not find those either. Then I was left with two options: Be sad again this summer or create one to do at home. Y’all know I can be so extra so obvi I chose the latter. 

This is where it got fun. The work was already done for me, I just had to find it. A few Pinterest clicks and scrolls and BOOM superhero VBS with lessons, activities, crafts and snacks were planned. Because I came up with none of this, NOT ONE thing, it’s yours by clicking here. All the snacks, crafts and activities are linked or you find them on my Pinterest board, VBS. 

For worship, I found this YouTube playlist that I edited to shorten. You can find that here

Last but certainly not least, decor. Wait-let me back up. When I volunteered for VBS, I was very serious about my decor. I went overboard. (I have admitted I am extra.) I thought long and hard about what I do that would set the tone for VBS, but also not take over my house. I found this free printable that I will cut and back with colored construction paper then attach to the wall. This is great because I can use these later for literally anything.

Then, I organized. I planned out what I wanted to do each day using traditional VBS as a model. We will start with worship, move into our lesson, do our activity and craft, then make a snack. Again, I am extra so the snacks are themed for the day. My kids love being in the kitchen so we will work together to make it.

My organized breakdown, with links, can be found here

Like, traditionally VBS, we will discuss all the things we learned through the day, and add the VBS verse, Psalm 34:14b, to our scripture memory journals.

Our VBS will be the week of June 22-26, following James’ Kindergarten graduation and our Juneteenth Celebration. Will you join in the fun with us? I’ll be prepping all week so join me via IG stories to see the haps! If you do join in on the VBS fun, will you use #VBSathome2020 and tag me so I can see everything in action. I would love to have fun with you.

Love you. Mean it!

Mother’s Day Activities, At Home

Hey Loves!

I really hope your new normal is treating you well. Honestly, it’s been a huge adjustment at my house and I slowly but surely embraced the changes, incorporated new practices and embraced my inner Elsa and stepped “Into The Unknown” and showed myself I can.

With that, so many events and celebrations have been canceled or altered into something unrecognizable from the original planning stages. I get it. I actually look forward to Mother’s Day every year because I get to hang out, pamper myself, eat slowly, shop and have so much alone time. Well, that isn’t going to happen like that this year so I thought I would share some ideas that popped into my head in case you are looking for ways to celebrate yourself or your favorite mama.

Curated Boxes

Chocolates, French pastries, gardening, charcuterie – oh my! Put together, or have someone put together a curated box that creates and experiences of the senses. The sky is the limit here and your imagination can take you on a journey from the packaging to the contents inside.

Mom-osa Brunch

Order in , try a new recipe, gather the Prosecco, juice and fruit. Then join in with your mom squad via hangout app,  google hangouts or zoom and toast yourselves. Get dressed, put on some make up and have a virtual Kiki of epic proportions.

Movie for One

Go with me here, place a pick or delivery order for alllllllllllllllllllll the movie snacks. Legit, all the ones you could never find to purchase before you went to the movies (you know, back in the day when that was a thing.) Or the movie snacks would never pay for with your firstborn. Actually get whatever you want, order a whole pizza and a fried goat cheese salad. Rent a movie or rent some movies from various streaming apps and enjoy in your most comfortable loungewear!

Favorite Things

This one is as simple as it sounds. Gather up all your favorite things, savor and enjoy. Or, if this is for your favorite mama, gather all her favorite things and all her to savor and enjoy. It could be big, small or a mixture of everything in between.

Online Shopping Spree

 We get it. The days of perusing TJ Maxx and finding marvelous finds are gone indefinitely but gift cards or a specific budget to do some damage online is where it is at! Phone, laptop, tablet…the vessels are optional and sales are abundant. Try not to stalk delivery trucks five seconds after you hit “submit order” though.

Spa Day

If your Mother’s Days were spent anything like mines were, massages, waxing, manicures, pedicures, facials were a great part of the celebration. Again, this pandemic life will not allow for such experiences, but we can still lavish and have an ultimate #selfcare party. Candles, bath bombs, face masks, body scrubs can lead to a day of relaxation and pampering paired with some soothing tunes.

Wishing you and yours a most joyous Mother’s Day. We deserve it.

Love you. Mean it.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas, Pandemic Edition

Hey Loves!

How goes it? Really, I mean, how are you actually coping? Have you cried? Cursed? Mourned? Released? I’ve absolutely done every one of those more than once so you’re welcome to join me. Here’s thing thing- we are still breathing, still living and still have the great opportunity to embrace this new normal. We also can still celebrate! Albeit, not we like planned to or not like we traditionally have but celebrate we will. We must! 

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and most of us have been logging some serious over-time and gotten some new job titles without any increase in salary,  if you know what I mean,  and some good gifts and/or retail therapy could go a long way to stretch our patience. Am I right? Need some ideas for gifts that will be used both during and post pandemic? I’ve got you!

First up, Loungewear! I mean, we are all home and our pajamas are getting extra miles. Truthfully, it’s a conscious effort to remember I actually own makeup (applying it is a different story). We can still be comfy and cute. These Aerie leggings are the most comfortable I’ve ever worn. I have to actively remember I’m actually wearing pants they are that comfortable. A blogger friend introduced me to those and these Lou & Grey Joggers from Loft aptly known as, “butter pants”. Why? Because they are as smooth as butter!!! My legs were in shock and sent silent praises of gratitude to my brain for the softness surrounding them. If joggers aren’t you’re style, I just ordered two pairs of these wide-leg pants and I’m excited! She also introduced me to these Target joggers that are on my wishlist. 

Next, let’s talk about air quality and aromatherapy. Again, we are all home more than are accustomed to and the earth is loving it. I mean, she is rejuvenating and closing holes in ozone layers. This is great. Let’s join her by investing in some plants, herbs and/or succulents. Plants are a great way to improve the air quality in your home. Support a local florist by ordering bouquets. You can also invest in some Young Living Oils! The premium starter kit got me hooked and the welcome home kit comes with a beautiful bamboo case! These oils offer a seed-to-seal promise so you won’t ever have to worry about nasty ingredients and you can reap the benefits of essentials oils. 

Finding yourself with more free time? Been wanting to maybe get into some books? Or you are actually ore busy and have less time to read and want to get into audiobooks?Audible gift cards to the rescue!  I’ve been listening to audiobooks for about two years now and they are amazing. Hearing prose as a story allows you to experience and really dive deep into the characters and plots. While you’re at, go ahead and add some cordless blue-tooth headphones to your list so you can always listen! (Personally on my list this year.)

Last but most certainly not least, let’s get some cute gear! I’ve been crushing so hard on these Made To Mother tees and sweatshirts. They are actually both on my wishlist right along with this “Support Your Local Mother” tee that will give the net proceeds to an emergency domestic violence shelter. 

A bonus gift that keeps on giving? Time alone. I know you may be craving an MNO right now or a luxuriating spa day but time to be still, breathe, meditate and relax are very necessary and for that, the Shine App is where it’s at. Tons of good meditations, sleep stories (that work great for this insomniac), and good things to fill up with. You can also request alone time as a “gift”. Time with no interruptions to pamper yourself-break our the manicure kit, change up the polish and style your hair. 

That’s all for now. Until next time,

Love you. Mean it. 

Homebound Egg Hunt Ideas

Hey Loves!

Spring has sprung, a pandemic is raging and Easter 2020 will look a bit different for us all. I’m sure you were looking forward to cute outfits, fun times with friends and/or family and continued or new traditions. I get it. I lament with you. We must adjust and adjust we will, together.

With “Stay In Orders” and #SocialDistancing in full effect, group egg hunts are not going down on a church lawn near you, instead, you can make them happen right in your yard or your home. Here are a few different ways how!

I’ve done an egg hunt at my house every year sine James could walk. My sons have lots of sensory needs and have issues with crowds so it was initially to “practice” and then it became a tradition. Below are some we have done and some I certainly want to try.

Traditional Egg Hunt

Listen, times are hard. Emotions are raging and your house, well if it is anything like mines, is being cleaned one minute and destroyed the next. Buy eggs, fill with candy, hide all over your house. If the sugar rush is too much, let them run, six feet from other people of course. 

Scavenger Egg Hunt

We are going to try a Scavenger Egg Hunt this year for the kids to find their Easter Baskets (a video on Easter Basket ideas for you here). I found this free printable, (we also used her verse cards as a Lent Count down) and I knew it was perfect. We traditionally go to church on Saturdays but I wanted Easter morning to be filled with Resurrection Joy. Now, it still can be!

Glow-In-The-Dark Egg Hunt

This was one of my all-time favorites. Again, my kids have lots of sensory needs, so very low lighting soothes both of them. You will need to buy mini- glow sticks to fit in traditional size plastic eggs. We did this indoor as my boys are younger and already had to stay up a little later so it could be dark (Thank you, time change.) but this would be great outside in a contained space as well. If you’re concerned about a “one-time-use” of the glow sticks, don’t be. We then used them for sensory baths, pattern practice and did the glow in the dark egg hunt about 3 times.

Magnetic Egg Hunt

James loves science. He really should be the STEAM poster child. He was gifted this magnetic fishing set about 2 years ago and used them to “experiment” (his word, not mine), with everything in my house to see if it could be “magnetized”. He experimented with items that included but aren’t limited to: Everything in my lower kitchen cabinets, combs, brushes, hangers and bras. So, I decided to put to those blasted fishing poles to good use. I had these magnets on hand from making their chore charts (inspiration from that is linked here ) and put them in plastic eggs. Because I didn’t participate in James’ above research, I had to learn the hard way you must not put these close together because they attract like love bugs. I also put non-magnetic things in eggs for a little more science fun. This hunt did take a little longer because they had to “attract” the fishing pole to the egg and James had to use the fishing pole to put in it in his Easter Basket, not his hands, insert eye roll emoji right here, friends. No magnetic fishing poles around your place? No problem! Get two of those magnets linked above and glue them to a popsicle stick, Let em dry and BOOM!

Themed Egg Hunt 

Dinosaurs, princess, legos, Oh My! Fill the eggs with a theme of choice, and hide. (Note* you can put things they already have in the eggs.) The great thing about this is you can truly tailor it to your child(ren)’s interest and likes. One year, a friend and I split a package of 50 dinosaur eggs. They “hatched” baby dinosaurs that we still play with today. The sky is really the limit here. If you have multiple themes, separate them by giving each theme a specific color egg because your sanity matters!

Coupon Egg Hunt

I will be adding these to our Easter Baskets. COVID-19 really threw us a “fun activity out of the house” curveball. Things I actually planned and promised my kids we would do, we can’t. While they are understanding, it still hurts them a bit so I will be adding coupons for fun activities they can cash in as soon as this pandemic goes bye-bye. Some will be free, some will be things we were going to do anyway, some will be low-costs and one will be a big family fun day. The coupons also include some fun activities we can do in our house that are VERY rare (special dessert, late bedtime, etc.). You can also tie this in with the scavenger egg-hunt if you like.

Non-Candy Egg Hunt

This is my jam. If we just met, here’s the deal: I am very picky about what goes in and on our bodies and sadly, the candy joy of my childhood, my kids have not experienced. I have found some ahhhhhmazing candy choices that my kids get on birthdays and I may add to Easter baskets, but 24 eggs of candy is a hard pass. This is where you can also get creative. Erasers, stickers, bouncy balls, pretend jewelry mini figurines, you name it! Put those dollar spot finds in eggs, hide and let joy ensue. You can also make this a theme and put each kid’s items in a specific color egg, something I may try this year.

Did I miss anything? Tell me! I want in!

Also, happy Easter. (If you want more Easter Fun ideas, follow me on IG where I share all the deets.)

Love you. Mean it.