Easter Basket Stuffer Ideas for All Ages (and no candy)

Hey Loves!

How goes it? I can’t believe it’s April and this is my first organic blog of the year. That should be an indicator of how this year is going. I’ve been doing lots of investment in “me” and the benefits have been great but unfortunately, I have gotten the time balance quite right. All that said, let’s jump into Easter baskets. 

Last year’s baskets were for outside fun and faith building. This year, I took their interest and made some very inexpensive yet incredibly intentional purchases. 

A note on the actual baskets: I don’t purchase baskets specifically for Easter. I tend to use ones I have one hand. They can be wire, woven, wicker, trays, rain boots or galvanized buckets. 

Clothing, Accessories, Summer Styling and Swim-wear

In January, we were traveling and went to a Carter’s outlet. There I found 3-piece short-set pajamas for $4.99 each. I grabbed like 6 sets for each kid and saved one for easter baskets. With the sun shining longer and brighter, sensory sensitive dudes needed a hat to block the sun. I grabbed these from amazon and I might have ordered similar ones for myself because I adore a hat. In the past, I’ve added swimsuits and sunglasses too! The thing for me is not buying excess, just meeting needs.

Books- Activity, Discovery and Faith Building

If you are new here, please know I am fully-aware that I am addicted to books. They are in every basket and I have several book-only wishlists. I stumbled upon DK Star Wars discovery books for only $3.99. I also happened upon these cute and fun Highlights activity books for $.99. They were purchased from Ollie’s but I linked similar. Last year, James got his first personal devotional. Usborne lift-a-flap books have also been a hit.

Crafts, Something To Do/Use Right Away, Outdoor Play

These are honestly the most important to me. Baskets are definitely an eye catcher but can be a let down if everything is for “later”. It is also an added stressor if the recipient can’t do something independently. I made lego trays with items I had on hand. They can use legos they already own and have their own try to continue to work. I also split a box of twistable crayons to add to our nearly non-existent crayons on the art cart. For other inexpensive smaller outdoor play items, you could add hula-hoops, jump ropes or any sort of balls. A new interest my 2 have is fishing and since we joined an awesome Cub Scout troop and will be doing more, I grabbed these sets.

Everyday Essentials

It must be the childhood wonder and innocence that make new “fun” toothbrushes and band-aids or bubble bath a welcomed experience but I am going to ride this until I no longer can. I kept the Star Wars theme going with these electric spin brushes. I may have gone a little crazy and bought an insane amount of band-aids so I didn’t add any this around but they are ALWAYS a hit.

Personalized Items

My kids and I can’t get enough of the personalized tags from Grace and Grain Studio. You  can see the intention and attention to detail in each one. They really seal the deal and “finish” the baskets. You could also add something made just for them. I’ve done brother t-shirts, hats and even bath towels. Personalization really does make a difference.


For us, we do our best to not add candy. Between birthdays, Valentine’s Day and other Easter activities, candy is rampant. So, I’ve opted for the most scrumptious cookies from Pink Turtle Cookies. You could get any other low sugar or organic snack that is seasonal or rare too.


We love to hate the amount of plastic eggs we seem to drown in by easter but they can round out an Easter basket if stuffed properly! We’ve  done coupons before and that was a hit.You can find tons of free printables or create your own. We also add to their “give, save,spend jars” by adding loose change to eggs as well. I found Lego Brick adjacent eggs this year and seriously considered one coupon for each, a money egg and maybe some legos. I haven’t decided.

Whatever you do, do it because you actually want to, not because you feel pressured to do so. Hope this helps. 

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