Fall Into Fellowship

Hey Loves!

We are moving full-steam ahead in our homeschool year and adjusting as we go. This past spring and summer were literally like no other I have experienced, both good and bad. We made lots of memories we wouldn’t have otherwise but oh how we missed people, travels and ya know, our things.

However, I kept adding things to my plate and not clearing away other things. This led to exhaustion, burnout, and something like emptiness. I was depleted in ways I hadn’t been in so long and in my crying out, seeking and listening, I started looking ahead to fall and this is what came to me: It is time for fellowship. Not just communing together but intentional supporting, connecting, uplifting and restoration.

I’m not sure about you, but if I had to guess I would say some part of the past six months has depleted you. Maybe something or someone was neglected, even just a little bit. Maybe you have realized how much you actually have and want to serve.

For me, the majority of 2020 took so much from me and I am taking it back and turning this year around. I’ve got little eyes watching my every move. I’ve got little ears hearing all my words, more specifically, all my complaints and groaning. I’ve got little hearts absorbing my anxieties and fears. I want more for all of us.

So, we are #fallingintofellowship. For 4 weeks we are supporting our neighborhood city and the world while we connect with each other and friends. I plan to uplift some friends and strangers and restore myself, our home and relationships.

Why? I mean, really, why would I now, heading into the last quarter of the year, sprint to win? The answer is simple. It is time. It is really that simple. It is time to fulfill our hearts and not live in a state of barrenness. I don’t mean any of that with physical things (although those are nice.) I mean with things you can’t buy-joy, peace, love and grace.

So, will you join me? Some friends and I have joined together to make this a challenge for all our friends via socials and I’d love for you to join us. All you have to do is share how you are connecting, supporting, restoring or uplifting! I’d love to have you. Also, I want to see it. Share what you are doing with the hashtag, #fallintofellowship.

Love you. Mean it.

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