James’ Level Up Gamer Birthday Party

Hey Loves!

I can hardly believe what I am about to type but James is six. I mean, didn’t I just share his birth story? How is this even possible?

Regardless of my disbelief, he, in fact, had a birthday. A birthday he has been very aware of. Like, 9 months before his birthday he started asking for a Star Wars birthday party. Now, there is nothing wrong with this but James has never seen a Star Wars film. At this point, he hadn’t even read a Star Wars book. I’m not sure if this what the cool kids are into but this was out of my depth. Still, I committed. After countless hours of research (Pinterest and IG searches are research), I realized just how out of my depth I was and something in fact had to shake. Despite my attempts to gently present alternative themes his mind was made. So, I activated daddy.

Yup, with no shame, I sent a text to my husband telling him to suggest to James a video game theme birthday party. It worked like a charm. I am a mastermind genius.

He was ecstatic! Elated! Over the Moon! Now, all I had to do was execute it… in a pandemic. Feeling like a “pandemic party planner vet”, I dusted off my shoulders and got to work. I started by ordering this decor set from Amazon and a few items from the Dollar Tree like plates, napkins, treat pails, etc..I topped that off with a curbside order from Party city for more plates, napkins and table cloths.

I should pause here and inform you that we planned on renting a video game bus for him, his brother and and 2 friends (our quranteam). Then, I realized it would be like $300 for 2 hours with a groupon… So, with the advice from my mom friends and donations from god parents, we bought him a Nintendo Switch. This was a leap for me… I have been very anti-video games because my husband plays them and let’s just say it has not been great for our relationship. That was my issue though and I could not let that effect James learning to play them responsibly and with supervision.

Because this was the most expensive thing he has gotten, I used this printable to have him hunt for it.

We started the day with a Pac-Man Waffle breakfast. Then, with a tub full of snacks, we let him play with his friends and go to town. We set up our projector inside and made a viewing seating with cushions, nugget comfort and anywhere chairs. For lunch, we feasted on “Super Sonic Dogs” followed by a Mario Pizza Party.

For an added effect, I whipped these up:

All Access Gamer VIP Pass: Using Canva, I designed them quickly, printed on card stock, laminated, and added these lanyards.

Personalized Snack Tins: Using my silhouette, I cut Playstation style controllers on grey vinyl and added text with a free font.

Water bottle labels, snack bag toppers: I used canva and specified the dimensions. I used the same photo, text and graphics to keep the asethic congruent.

Switch Island Cover: I saw this idea, and had to try and replicate it. It was very easy. Using plastic tablecloths, painters tape and construction paper, our kitchen island was turned into a very large Nintendo Switch replica.

The end. My baby is a whole kid and I am so stinking proud of him I have no words. Also, I am done with birthdays for 10 whole months and oh how my soul and wallet rejoice!

Love you! Mean it!

Homeschool Curriculum Update-Bible

Hey Loves!

We are wrapping up this curriculum update series with the subject we typically start our day with. In fact, I feel kinda weird calling it a subject. For us, it isn’t a task we check off or a learning module to master. It is the very pillar of our being, one of the principle reasons why we homeschool and the only reason I continue to. This love, this faith it can’t be contained to just “quoting.”

You can get all the deets on our plans and materials here or watch it here.

Like every other subject, I planned this out, and did it pretty well I might add. Initially, I was balancing keeping up with providing and supplementing church lessons in our home with lessons during the week, sometimes even doing a good job of riding the two, pivoting and finding activities and resources quickly. Then, 2020 took its toll. I got burnt all the way out. I was beyond exhausted and it took all I had to play a bible story podcast for them.

That’s when the miracle happened.

You see, in my feeble iniquity, God showed up and took over. Because I was so exhausted, I surrendered. Instead of tending to every other person on Sunday, I did the least (as opposed to the most), and I focused on me getting nourished with the word and filling up on Worship. It is true that eyes are always watching and so, mainly because I was too tired to get up really early and do my bible study, I would do it in front of them. This sparked something in them.

Virtual church became easier and they were more invested. We were back to try to live the word instead of repeat the word-I realized that busyness got us there and in my efforts to make sure they were retaining, I was training parrots.

I took a long break from the scripture memory and focused hard on prayer and worship in our teachings and lessons. I learned more from them than they did from me.

While we have gotten “back on track” so-to-speak with plans, using resources purchased and learning things like parables and scriptures, I am letting the spirit lead on them. I am not focused on recitation but on living and, more importantly, modeling.

2020 dealt us some huge blows, some way more than others. My empath heart went through it and honestly hasn’t recovered. Everything this year had to shift and I do believe we are all the better for it. 

We will not forget what we learned nor how to adapt and pivot, skills I must admit were far from finessed before this year and all of the events. My standards of truth, beauty and goodness have been the guiding force and will continue to be.

Yes, I have already started “research” for next year and thankfully it is way less than it was last year. Per usual, you’ll be the first to know.

Love you . Mean it.

The Birthday Blues

Hey Loves!

If you’ve known me for a bit, you know my kids birthdays were like the saddest days ever. I was honestly in mourning. “How did it go so fast? Why did it go so fast? It’s going to fast!” I would lament through sobs. 

And then Jude was born on Christmas and for some reason, that made the birthdays easier. That is, until we were about a month out from James’ 5th birthday and those “birthday blues” starting showing up in full force. I was just about to succumb to them, wallow in my grief and hopefully return back to normalcy one day when I paused and really thought about why it was especially James’ birthday that brought out these emotions and I realized why. 

Nearly my  entire life I’ve been begging people to, “choose me”, “see me” and/or “love me” without ever doing any of those myself, for myself. Then came this human that I grew IN MY BODY that, without me even uttering a word, chose me, saw me and loved me. No lie,  Which brought on another thought, I think his birthdays made me sad because he would soon discover I was a fraud. Yes I read all these books and stalked blogs but I was clueless. I had zero confidence, zero self-love and very little pure joy except that of moments with that sweet baby…who was growing way too fast. 

I always say giving birth to James gave me life because learning to protect and advocate for him was a re-birth. I grew my mama bear spirit and confidence I never had. James gave me life and Jude saved my life because not only did I have another bout of post-partum anxiety but I also had bad post-partum depression after he was born. The kind that was masked by smiles, laughs, cute outfits and showing up playing a role. I would only get out of bed to protect my kids. I didn’t even look in mirrors… until the damn broke. I started counseling, I opened up more and I started eating better and exercising. I started meditating and journaling. 

It made me a better person, a better advocate, a better mom and a better friend to me. I fell in love with myself and wasn’t begging people to give me what I couldn’t give myself anymore. I was showing up for me, finally. 

So, after all that reflection the sadness was gone. He’s not gonna find out I’m a fraud. I hope, if nothing he understands how grateful I am to him for his grace and love. For smiling each morning after I messed up so many days before. I hope he understands the great privilege to having front-row seats to watching me fall in love with myself and know he was the catalyst.  So, yeah, I’m probably still gonna cry. I’m probably still gonna sneak in and watch him sleep one last 5 year-old-sleep but I won’t be sad. I’ll be in awe of how our wonderful journey has taken shape and stay in fervent prayer about future endeavors. 

“ Goodnight you moonlight ladies

Rockabye sweet baby James

Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose

Won’t you let me go down in my dreams

And rockabye sweet baby James”

My Favorite Things

Hey Loves!

We’ve chatted so much about homeschool the last few months I feel like I’ve neglected to share all the other parts of my life with you. Tsk, tsk, tsk. We can’t have that, can we?

A couple of years ago, I shared my favorite things and I wanted to update that list! Here we go:

Yeti Coffee Mug: I know, I rarely suggest something with a specific brand. Hear me out. I have tried the more inexpensive alternatives and they just don’t match up. I got this coffee mug as my teacher gift last year and it is a delight. I can make coffee at 4:30 a.m. and take a swig at 7:30 and it still is hot! I mean, how many of us have been there- reheat the coffee forget about the coffee, reheat it again only to not be able to finish it, and then have to re-start this cycle again or give up entirely. This eliminates that!

Ear Buds: When then Pandemic continued, I realized I hadn’t listened to a single book or podcast because I rarely had a one time and I wasn’t in the car as much. I tried the wired-headphones but ran into two problems: 1-They were wired which meant I was always holding my phone in hand my phone on my person, and, 2- with my daith pierced, they didn’t fit (not that they ever fit well). I hunted for months for wireless earbuds that would allow hands-free listening but not block out other surrounding noise because I am a mom and I need to hear. I found these as Best Buy and for what I needed, plus working out, I am sold! They are a great price, hold a charge, and work amazingly well.

Eucalyptus Sprays: To be clear, I never once considered myself-high maintenance before the Pandemic. Not once. But once things closed I realized my self-care game was stepped way up from previous years and very soon I was hurting for some pampering. Enter eucalyptus sprays. I used this tutorial to attach Trader Joe’s eucalyptus to my shower head and y’all. Showers are now a mini trip to the spa. Bless.

Plants: This may seem basic but did you know that plants naturally filter the air??? I had no idea. When I found out I had to get over myself and make myself believe I could keep plants alive. I now have 6, (4 of which are thriving and 2 that are in and out of proverbial ICU) all named after Black Female Olympians and I am in heaven. They are so peaceful and bring such joy. I use my young living products to keep the bugs away and keep leaves shiny. I can’t wait to get some more!

Mom’s Morning Basket: If you follow me on socials (if not, join me!), you’ve probably seen this highlight about my morning baskets. Yes, plural. This is a no-judgment zone, remember? These baskets are a for-real game-changer though. In them I have books, bible studies, a bible, all the journals, and some hand-lettering guides and markers to keep me grounded and get me so full, I overflow. I love how it is all handy, organized, and easily accessible.

Facial Steamer: Just so we are clear here, I’ve never considered myself high maintenance. Just re-stating this for consistency purposes. Now, people around me may disagree but we aren’t talking about them. To me, a need to steam one’s face seemed a bit over the top. That is, until, I learned 3 fundamental truths at the exact same time. Number 1. I am not getting younger and there’s nothing I can do to change that. 2. Even though I have that “uncrackable Black skin”, I need to take care of it. 3. Taking care of my skin doesn’t make me “high maintenance”. (I also learned that high maintenance isn’t a bad thing. I made that up thanks to societal norms.) So, I got a facial steamer for Mother’s Day and in the few months that I’ve used it, I can say my pores are delighted. I will also say this will lead to you wanted to up all your skincare routines. All of them. 

Young Living Essential Oils and Other Products: Y’all! These products have changed the game. If you’ve been here for a bit, you know I’ve always used oils, tried to have clean products, etc. Well, I finally plunged into Young Living Last March and these oils are a level-up. Not just for me-my husband, my kids, and our home. I use Thieves cleaner every day. I use a DIY product from the essential oils every day. I use oils and wellness products every day. I could go on and on but I won’t. You can see how I use them here. You can learn more here

What didn’t make the list? Well things that are still my favorite that I honestly don’t ever want to change. I am still vey much in love with dark chocolate, Malbec, coffee and nail polish. I don’t want to see a day when those aren’t my favorite things. Like, not ever.

What are your favorite things? Anything I am missing out on?

Love you. Mean it.

Chief Memory Maker-Fall Edition

Hey Loves!

I know with us going into month ??? Of Pandemic life, the title of this blog may come off a bit confusing, crass even. Bare with me.

If you follow me on socials, (again, if you don’t are we really friends???), you’ve seen how serious I take memory making and with so much being #cancelled or not safe, I’ve had to take lots of it in to my own hands.

You can’t see the smile on my face now, but let me assure you, it is wide. Why? Well, because I could’ve given up, just let this season be what it was or could take very sour lemons, add way more than a spoonful of sugar and some lavender, tie it with a bow and call it a memory. I chose the latter.

Friends, I must tell you, this was far from easy and in my true fashion, so much was extra. SO. MUCH. So I’m learning to straddle the line a little better.

I say all that to say, I know this season, most of these days are far from easy. I am saying that I, like you, am very tired of this season. I am also saying that when this season is over, I do not want to regret an ounce, not a day of it.

When my kids remember “the germs” and all we couldn’t do, they will also remember all that we did, shared, explored and the magic I made happen.

So, if you still love me, follow along as I’ll have easy ways to whip up memories and fun safely.

These two are super easy and a hit with my family:

Apple Dippers board– a few weeks ago I shared a “fall fun” checklist that contained all the things you could do with apples. The last thing we did was this apple dipping board and, let me tell you, when my husband beat my kids in asking for seconds, I knew this was hit.

Here is what I did: Grab a serving tray, cutting board, or a large plate. Then core and slice about 3 medium-large apples to start depending on the appetite of your crowd.

Next, grab some small skewers or toothpicks and stick them through the apple slice from the bottom up, so it kinda looks like a lollipop. Now, to the fun part. Grab any topping you’ve ever had or wanted to have on a candy apple and lay it out. Now to the extra- I had some red dessert plates on hand and chose to put my toppings- caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, peanuts, sprinkles, marshmallows- in separate dishes and then let my family pick what toppings they would like and “dip” each apple slice then top how they please. It was a pure mess but I was happy to help make it!

Chili Board- Not to toot my own horn here, but according to my kids, this was the best dinner they’ve ever had. Between me and you, this was one of the easiest meals I’ve ever made, so that equals the ultimate win-win! I pulled chili from the freezer-yes, it was frozen because I had some veggies about to tap-out on me so I threw them with some spices, beans, and stock in the instant pot and 20 minutes later I had chili. Then, obvi, I froze it. So, I let the chili simmer to perfection on the stove in my new Dutch oven. While that simmered I made some cornbread muffins (again, legit the easiest recipe I’ve ever found and the tastiest.) Why muffins you ask? So I could freeze the leftovers. This enneagram 6w5 is always thinking ahead. So, chili simmering, muffing baking, right? Then you get your toppings out. I had scoops, red onion, green onion, goat’s milk cheddar, and parsley. Again, you go to town how you see fit! Take a little design liberty here and make it pretty. Ladle chili in bowls and let the board work its magic. 2 bowls and 2 muffins later, I had to refuse third portions because I value leftovers.

Throw in some games and give got some family fun and great memories in the books!

So, basically, you give me a board and basket and I’ll give you a year of memory making. Both of the above took maybe 25 minutes to execute but the smiles-those last a lifetime.

Happy memory making!

Love you. Mean it.

Black History Resource from GooseGooseDuck

Hey Loves!

If you follow me on Instagram, a week or so ago I shared with you that I had a surprise coming up. Well, here it is! Monica from GooseGooseDuck reached out to me kindly asked for my review, I was happy to do as I am always on the hunt for quality resources that share, explore and teach our history accurately. While this product was gifted to me, the reviews are my own opinions.

Price: $$

I was gifted the Don Lemmons learning pack which retails for $29.99. There is a bundle available for $99 that combines 4 different packs.

What’s included?

The short- so so much! The detailed breakdown: each pack comes with a bio, interactive activities, and lots of extension-learning opportunities in the areas of stem, literacy, creative arts, and math. The 36-page full-color pack is full of hands-on, interactive fun!

What I Love

What I really enjoyed, besides learning about an African American I was not familiar with was, the multiple ways to infuse this lesson and African American History into the day and align it with other teachings. This is the way to “teach” our history. Not just by facts recitation but through experiences and consistent alignments in your life.

Another thing I love about this- just about everything is included. The lessons are broken down by day, provide a list of materials and directions for the instructor and teaching prompts for the student. If you’re new here, you should now nothing delights my heart like thoroughness, and GooseGooseDuck hit the nail on the head.

They were so thorough that they reached out to the remaining descendants of Lemmons for information, context and to make sure they would be pleased.

The graphics from the depictions of Lemmons, stock graphics and graphics in other packs are all very accurate depictions and very ethnically inclusive.

I could go on and on but I’ll leave you with this, one pack includes all of the above for multiple age/grade levels and lets the instructor do as much or as little as they like. You can easily see the care and attention to so many details.

Between me and you, GooseGooseDuck has a hit in my book! You can learn more about them here and purchase a pack for you and your family here.

Love you. Mean it.

Fall Diverse Books Round-Up

Hey Loves!

Today I am joining forces with my girl LaKeisha from Maya’s Book Nook to bring the first of a few installments of diverse reads for your littles. If you’ve been around for just a little bit, you know I believe two of the essential keys to raising allies is exposure and education and both can be attained through quality books with diverse protagonist, authors, and illustrators.

This round-up is focused on all things Fall- apples, leaves, ethic holidays and celebrations- and everything in between. Let’s get to it!

The Shadow In The Moon by Christina Matula: This book details the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated primarily by those of Chinese Heritage. The protagonist and her Ah-ma take us through their celebration with a story that will have you and your littles on the edge of your seats and maybe wanting some of the mooncakes.

Sound of the Shofar by Leslie Kimmelman: Rosh Hashana is just one week away! (September 18, 2020). In this book, the meaning and celebrations both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are expertly explained in a way that is easily understood by non-Jewish families. It details each special part of the meal(s), fasting, and service(s) with concepts anyone can apply.

In The Leaves by Huy Voun Lee: Don’t we all love a fall trip to the local farm? Cooler temps, fall colors, and just the joy of goats and hayrides brings smiles to everyone. After reading this book, you can be armed with 10 new Chinese characters to remember and practice during your trip. Have fun!

One Leaf, Two Leaves, Count With Me! by John Micklos Jr.: Fall is a good time to remember the beauty of all the seasons, especially after the Spring and Summer that COVID-19 brought. Through this book, you count and examine each season with all the fun each one brings.

Apple Countdown by Joan Holub: From 20 to 1, take a class trip Applebee Farm. Through numbers, the reader shares in all the fun and problem-solving classmates encounter.

Salsa by Jorge Argueta: Hispanic Heritage Month begins September 15. With this book, the readers can explore the rich history and culture of the people group who cultivated this delicious appetizer. (Or if you are like me, meal. Salsa and chips is a meal.) The book, in English and Spanish, is beautifully illustrated and shares the love of the dish and the love between those sharing and making it.

Apple Picking Day by Candice Ransom: Who loves apple-everything season?!? We eat apples year round, but I like to take it up a notch in fall. Apple Picking Day would be a great read before taking the little ones apple picking. In the story, a brother and sister duo take us along as they visit an apple orchard. The simple, rhyming text is also good for early readers.

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn by Kenard Pak: As a young girl travels through her town and the forest, she greets all of the signs of fall’s arrival. The breeze is cooler, the leaves are changing, and animals are migrating south. I love the simple text with its accompanying message of how each animal or part of nature is preparing for fall.

Moon Festival Wishes by Jillian Lin: We love learning about various holidays and the traditions that go along with them, so here’s a second book on the Mid-Autumn Festival. It’s also known as the Chinese Moon Festival. This bilingual book not only follows Mei and her family as they prepare a big meal, it also provides background on how the festival came to be.

In Autumn/ En Otoño by Susana Manso: Written in both English and Spanish, this bilingual board book introduces our youngest readers to autumn as a young girl describes her favorite things about this time of the year. The seasons series from Blue Manatee Press is popular with us because of its vibrant photographs!

You can view just about of all these wonderful books here. Happy reading and learning.

Love you. Mean it.