Curriculum Picks, 21-22: Second Grade

Hey Loves!

We made it! We are at the end of the 2021-2022 Curriculum Picks series. Thanks for rocking with me. Today is everything for our young second grader, James. Like Jude, James’ next year will most likely be 2nd Grade 2.0 and we are so fine with that. My kids did stellar with all 2020 threw at us and yet, we still may need another year solidifying things before hitting the hard stuff of third grade. We are also preparing James for his first year of testing in addition to a full day at our local homeschool program and gymnastics. Whew!

I also would like to kinda see how much James can handle and retain well. I feel like I am always reconciling his age with his intellectual and physical abilities; not wanting to either push too hard or limit him. I think him having his own science and history time with me will work out well as his love language is quality time.

Anywho, let’s get into it!

Language Arts: All About Reading, Level 3, Easy Grammar Level 3, Spelling You See, Level C, Learning Without Tears Building Writers and Cursive Kick off, Evan Moore Daily 6-Trait Writing, Grade 1

Math: Saxon Math, Level 2, Horizons Math Level 1, Let’s Play Math

Science: Sassafras Science Adventures Volume 2, paired with manipulatives, picture books, encyclopedias and documentaries; Exploring the building Blocks of Science Book 1

History: Story of the World Volume 1, Early China Civilizations through picture books, Immigration in the United States through Picture books

Morning Starters: Evan Moore Critical and Creative Thinking, Spectrum Test Practice Grade 1

Bible, Black History, American Government and Economics (see links)

Curriculum Picks, 21-22: Kindergarten

Hey Loves!

Can you see it? We are almost at the end of this series and-don’t you fret- I’ve got some awesome things lined up to share with you!

This one will be quick. This is a run down of what we are using for Jude’s Kindergarten year. We chose this as well as designed his goals (blog post coming) knowing next year would not be first grade, it would be Kindergarten 2.0 and we are 3,000% ok with that. 

2020 was a doozy, yes we made it but honestly, barely. We gained so much but I really feel like another year honing skills and growing will do us all good.

Here we go!

Language Arts: All About Reading, Level 1, Dash Into Learning Reader Series, Explode the Code, Spelling You See, Level A, Learning Without Tears My First Lowercase

Math: Let’s Play Math, Math U See Primer, possibly Horizons K and/or Saxon Math Level K or 1.

Science: Sassafras Science Adventures Volume 2, paired with manipulatives, picture books, encyclopedias and documentaries.

Bible, Black History, American Government and Economics (see links)

Curriculum Picks, 21-22: Bible and Black History

Hey Loves!

We are sliding into home of this curriculum picks series and with my two favorite subjects. 

Honestly, in our home, they aren’t subjects, they are foundations and pillars. Legit the first two reasons why we started homeschool and keep at it. The Word of God and the illustrious and rich history of our people are the very thread and fibers of our home, our lifestyle, our choices, actions… This list could go on forever but what I am trying to convey is that these items aren’t check marks or tasks, we involve ourselves in them in various ways all throughout the day in different ways. Below I will share some focuses and resources for this year.

For Bible, we are slowly switching gears. In the past we’ve learned about those wonderful bible stories and the great miracles of God. We have also learned some bible verses and scripture passages. We will also review them via podcasts, stories and recitation. We will also continue to learn verses and scripture as I truly believe it is armor.

Here’s the things, 2020 taught me different ways to “do it all” well. One of the ways was continuing the lovely and missional lessons from our church’s Kids curriculum. Y’all, I am so thankful I can say that my church is AWESOME and frankly, if it is ok for them to spend 1.5 hours once a week learning during church, why can’t we continue that during the week? Am I right?

We will also learn about bible subjects such as, what God’s word says about fear, the beatitudes, the Names of God and The Armor God. We will explore mini units from awesome creators like Color and Kindness and BabyDevotions. Will will review daily devotions together. I am so excited for how we are growing as a family in Christ and can’t wait for more! You can find the bible resources we love here.

Black History, for us, is 365. Yes, sometimes we will have a focus. For example James really wants to learn more about Serena Williams and Barack Obama. I also want James to practice presentations from Books and writing short stories so I definitely see some biography presentations in our future. 

My kids also love reading about Black History Figures and Events as bedtime stories or choose those books for individual reading time. They will choose books about certain figures to check out at the library. 
Our quest to absorb all we can about our history to improve our future is just innate. It is the culture of our home and learning and applying is not dependent on me teaching. For some great books to start with, click here.

Curriculum Picks, 21-22: Science

Hey Loves!

How goes it? Are you ready for more curriculum picks? I sure hope so! We are off to Science!

Last year we zipped all around the world studying Zoology with Elemental Science, The Sassafras Science Adventure Series Volume 1. We had a blast, we all came away with so many amazing animal facts and knowledge about their habitats as well.

Not to mention, the plot had us on the edge of our seats! We paired it with an animal encyclopedia (that James LOVED), sticker books, picture books, documentaries and lots of questions to our home smart devices. I purchased the digital pack offerings with teacher guides and a log book. We didn’t use the latter much but we will in the future.

It was a no brainer to continue to the next series. I mean, my kids were like, “can we get it right now?” 

I have purchased the Volume 2 audiobook, physical book, log and guide books (digital version). My goal is to have James read along with the audiobook as we will be bringing back car school (see the homeschool rhythm post coming soon). We will add some manipulatives, do some cool experiments and also keep our same companions that worked so well before-picture books, encyclopedias and documentaries.

James will also start, Exploring The Building Blocks of Science, Book 1! Read more about that in the Second Grade Curriculum post coming soon.

Science was the easiest subject to purchase this and I am not mad about it!

Curriculum Picks, 21-22: Math

Hey Loves!

Onward we forge in sharing our curriculum picks for the 21-22 school year. As the title leaves nothing to be desired, this blog is all about Math.

Let me tell you, this is for sure the subject I spend the most time researching, Like, by far. It may be because of my fears and my lack of aptitude for math or because my kids love it so much and I don’t want the way it is taught to ruin it for them or a combo of both. Either way, math is a never ending story over here.

James and I have both enjoyed Horizons Math. It is very “spiral”. So much so that James can easily tell when he is being challenged and, at first, that was hard for him, but now he accepts “that challenge”. I also like how this curriculum doesn’t mandate how you teach things so I’ve been able to apply  a multisensory approach and allow James to really understand concepts he can apply to a range of math problems. I will say it took longer than I projected for us to complete book 2 of Level K but my kids alo made it through 2020 with their mental and physical health intact. So, we are starting level 1 for James and maybe level K for Jude. I say ‘maybe” because it starts slow, but like the uphill climb on a roller coaster before you go racing upside down through loops slow. You get it? 

Because of that, I also purchased LetsPlaySchool Let’s Play Math to get a very solid foundation while having fun. Originally, I purchased this for Jude but I have a feeling we will all get a kick out of it.

Now, this is the part where I was supposed to tell you that both kids are all set for Math U See. Key word, “supposed”, meaning there’s been a wrinkle in my plan.

As I was hunting for Math for Jude because I am not sure Horizons K will be enough repetition for him, I ended up getting Saxon Math 2 for James for free. Don’t ask how, just know Jesus loves me. James was over the moon for it and promptly declared he was so excited because he doesn’t like Math U See. Umm, what??? Since when? Why? Ugh!!!!

Now, I am not sure why Jesus loves me like this but I have yet to find the Beta workbook used, thus I haven’t purchased it. Also, Beta would probably be the only level I would be ok skipping. So, AS OF NOW, James is not doing Math U See. As you can probably tell, this was much harder for me than him. 

I will also add in some musical multiplication and games. 

Cheers to Math, for now, because I am still researching.

Curriculum Picks, 21-22: Language Arts

Hey Loves!

You guessed it- it is time to share our curriculum picks for the 2021-2022 homeschool year. You should know none of the creators, publishers or authors have paid me or given me free product to share this with you. I, like you, spend way too much time on Youtube and Instagram doing research and crossing my fingers as I purchase. Let’s kick off this series with Language Arts.

Last was our first year using All About Reading (you can read about it here and here) and it was so good, the next levels for both boys was the first purchase I made. Both boys’ literacy skills and their enjoyment and desire to read skyrocketed with this curriculum. Not to mention, they offer tons of free games and resources via their website. We are all looking forward to the great things ahead!

Both boys will also be using Spelling You See  this year by Demme Learning. We introduced it with James during the 20-21 school year and the method has really proven to work-not just to improve spelling fluency but also helped James meet other goals like increased confidence, handwriting and working independently. I’m excited to use both levels in tandem with the boys now that I have a solid rhythm with James.

For grammar, we were thoroughly pleased with Growing with Grammar. I honestly don’t have any complaints which may sound odd given that we will not be using it next year. Again, I have no malice at all with Growing with Grammar but I feel James needs a tiny push in this area, hence us switching to Easy Grammar. I went back and forth and after speaking with my husband, we both agreed level 3 would be the push he needs and aid in his writing skills.

We will bring back our Dash Into Learning books for Jude to practice reading fluency.

There is no shocker here when I tell you we are using Learning Without Tears for handwriting. It is all we have ever used and I have not anything comparable. James will continue with manuscript but will also begin Kickoff to Cursive will Jude will begin lowercase manuscript.

And that’s Language Arts! Any questions? I may answer them in this video or via IG.

Budgeting for Homeschool

Hey Loves!

Now that I’ve given you the tea on homeschooling inexpensively, let’s talk about homeschool budgeting. I’m no expert here, but I do understand not spending a lot and wanting to invest wisely. I also know how tempting it can be to see all the gorgeous things people have to homeschool with and want it. You follow the link and see the price tag and assume it cost this much to homeschool effectively. That is far from the actual reality. 

To start, you have to determine how much you can spend. This can be a lump total, per pay period, etc. 

Then simply make a list. I make mine by kid or by area of need. For example, James, Jude, art supplies, prep materials and teacher supplies. In each respective list I would list the item, a description and price. For example:

James: Grammar, $40

Jude: All About Reading, $60

Art supplies: gloss acrylic paint, $10

Prep materials: copy paper $7

Teacher Materials: Planner $50

For all my type-A friends, go ahead and open up Excel or Sheets and make this a work of art. For those who have no idea what I even referenced, stick with the list. 

Yours will not look like mine. Your state may cover some materials or reimburse. This has to be specific to you and your household. 

This year, I decided to keep mine on my phone and add to it as things popped in my brain. This also made it easy to remove items that were purchased and help me hunt for certain items used or on sale to save money.

I also made a list of things that I can find for free to save money. For example, the grammar we chose for James will challenge him, so I will print off some basic worksheets for free to help boost confidence and refresh skills instead of buying a secondary curriculum. 

Next up, compare prices. You never know who is having a sale and free shipping can save you $4-$10! I saved buying grammar from Amazon instead of the retailer. 

I also plan ahead for things I know my kids will need and keep an eye out for god deals. Things like lunch totes, water bottles, reusable snack bags and other supplies can take a huge chunk of change at full price so I have no problem waiting and searching for sales. A solid list helps me keep things on track. 

This year, my kids are participating in a homeschool program for which they will need other supplies. I will have to write that down and add it to the budget.

I also need to add this- you, like me, may stray from your budget. You may buy 6 packs markers instead of 3 because it’s a great deal and you know you might need them half way through the year. Don’t beat yourself up. Be mindful and be very intentional with your dollars. Especially with the curriculum. I do my absolute best to make sure I can re-sell or re-use and then resell anything over $20. I teach my kids to treat things kindly and I store them well to save them. 

There’s nothing wrong with investing in your child’s education, but make sure the investment will yield a return, if you’re lucky it may yield 2 or 3!

That’s all for now.