Homeschool Curriculum Update-Bible

Hey Loves!

We are wrapping up this curriculum update series with the subject we typically start our day with. In fact, I feel kinda weird calling it a subject. For us, it isn’t a task we check off or a learning module to master. It is the very pillar of our being, one of the principle reasons why we homeschool and the only reason I continue to. This love, this faith it can’t be contained to just “quoting.”

You can get all the deets on our plans and materials here or watch it here.

Like every other subject, I planned this out, and did it pretty well I might add. Initially, I was balancing keeping up with providing and supplementing church lessons in our home with lessons during the week, sometimes even doing a good job of riding the two, pivoting and finding activities and resources quickly. Then, 2020 took its toll. I got burnt all the way out. I was beyond exhausted and it took all I had to play a bible story podcast for them.

That’s when the miracle happened.

You see, in my feeble iniquity, God showed up and took over. Because I was so exhausted, I surrendered. Instead of tending to every other person on Sunday, I did the least (as opposed to the most), and I focused on me getting nourished with the word and filling up on Worship. It is true that eyes are always watching and so, mainly because I was too tired to get up really early and do my bible study, I would do it in front of them. This sparked something in them.

Virtual church became easier and they were more invested. We were back to try to live the word instead of repeat the word-I realized that busyness got us there and in my efforts to make sure they were retaining, I was training parrots.

I took a long break from the scripture memory and focused hard on prayer and worship in our teachings and lessons. I learned more from them than they did from me.

While we have gotten “back on track” so-to-speak with plans, using resources purchased and learning things like parables and scriptures, I am letting the spirit lead on them. I am not focused on recitation but on living and, more importantly, modeling.

2020 dealt us some huge blows, some way more than others. My empath heart went through it and honestly hasn’t recovered. Everything this year had to shift and I do believe we are all the better for it. 

We will not forget what we learned nor how to adapt and pivot, skills I must admit were far from finessed before this year and all of the events. My standards of truth, beauty and goodness have been the guiding force and will continue to be.

Yes, I have already started “research” for next year and thankfully it is way less than it was last year. Per usual, you’ll be the first to know.

Love you . Mean it.

Homeschool Curriculum Update: Black History and Math

Hey Loves!

I am back with another homeschool curriculum update. If you need a refresher on how and why we ended up using these curriculums, check out this blog post.

Let’s start with Black History…

If you follow me on IG (and if you don’t, join in the fun!), I shared my planning method for the Black History curriculum I created for my kids (and still working on for others to purchase). I also shared how Black History is not just a month in our house. It is a tether that anchors us and inspires. Through my planning, so much was erupting in our country and Black History was being made before our very eyes. It was important to me that my children learn about the history being made, as it was being made. Which meant chucking what I planned. Why? That history wasn’t going anywhere. It would still be relevant and valid history in a few months or next year. The opportunity for my children to witness History being made in real time is a once in a lifetime chance. I wasn’t going to forfeit that experience for them. 

In return, we’ve had some really good and really tough conversations. Conversations I’d always prepared for but was never ready for. My children have seen me cry tears of mourning, anger, relief and joy. My children also got to play a role in making this history. They got to ask questions and share their opinions on solutions. Honestly, I pray I never forget that.

So, Black History went way off course but in the absolute best way.

Now to math. 

If you asked me to choose the subject I am and have always been the least comfortable instructing,  the answer will always be math. What is James’ most favorite subject? Math. Yes, this is my lot in life and I have no idea why.

What I do know is that I could either foster and be a good steward of his love for Math and let it rub off on his brother or I could be the reason he deplores it. Obviously, the goal is the former.

So, I knew what we ended the year with, Horizons Math and Math U See, where the ticket. To date, they are still working extremely well for us. James has made more gains than I ever imagined. It is working so well that I nixed the Spectrum math I got Jude and started him on Math U See Primer. I personally love the no-frills, minimal approach to both of these curriculums and I see no reason to change them going forward.

That’s all for now loves. I’ll be back soon with more curriculum updates and other fun things.

Love you. Mean it.