Homeschool Curriculum Picks, Math & Enrichment

Hey Loves!

As the title says, we are talking all things math for our homeschool curriculum in this post, and the things we will use for what I am calling “enrichment”. “What is enrichment?” you many wondering. Let me explain.

For all my traditional public school readers, you remember “special areas”? The times when you went to art, PE, music and the media center? That was enrichment. In our homeschool enrichment will consist of:

Art: Admittedly, I am horrible with art for my kids. Like, the worst. I really do want to get better, especially because my kids love it. Art is truly therapy. I also think it is a bit hypocritical for me to teach my kids about Artists and not allowing them to process it for themselves. So, I’m making sure we get it in. Water colors, chalk pastels, tempura, guided drawings and illustrations to name a few things. 

Typing: Learning Without Tears has a great typing program we got to preview this spring for free thanks to COVID-19. My kids really enjoyed it and it is well constructed. So my computer science husband was all for them having typing added to the round-up.

Computer games/apps: Don’t judge me. We aren’t the family that is anti-screens. I just prefer it to be as quality as the situation allows for and sometimes doing math in a fun game on the computer is the way to go.

Game school: I think I’ve said this before but in case you haven’t heard it, I am not the fun mom. It hurts to say that out loud. Or maybe, I am not as fun of a mom as I want to be? Either way, my kids deserve fun and I am doing what I need to do to make sure they have it. The funny part? They want to have fun with me! What??? They are always asking for me to play with them. So, I am making sure we break out the games we own and actually play, together!

Nature Study: Y’all. If I was bad at the above, I completely and totally failed at Nature Study. I mean, total bomb here. The cold, rain and, well, the nature deterred me from making it priority. So, I am adding to enrichment because baby steps, friends, baby steps.

Now to Math… You ready?

I hope so because I am gonna move through this like a freight train. 

So, No Name A was beautiful and that’s it. The lessons were tedious and so much to get through. Even shortening lessons and sometimes not using the “required” manipulative didn’t quite cut it. After book one, I sold book two and level 1 and got on the hunt for something we could really grow with. I had a laundry list of requirements, stated in my YouTube video showing everything here. I knew it was a hard-sell and there was a lot stacked against me. (Dramatic, much?) Finally, thanks to the mamas who make the time to do flip-through videos and share them with the world, that is how I found Horizons. Blessed are these mamas! Because of the flip-throughs and the reviews, we started James at level K because NoName A left too many wide gaps and did not build a solid foundation. I have Horizons level one ready when he is.

We will be looping Horizons with Math You See (MUS). MUS is a mastery curriculum, opposed to Horizons being a spiral curriculum. It worked very well for us last year and we are both looking forward to it this year. (Pssssst if you haven’t read my review, you can find it here.)

“Why two?” You may be asking. Well, frankly, my kids have a unique way of learning and if I just had offered one, they would be bored and over it quickly. 

For Jude, he also gets 2 math curriculums for the same reason, I am not fighting boredom. I’m also not fighting the “why do I only have one?” I’m just not. So, we already had Mathematical Reasoning on hand. I bought it used for James a few years ago and I like it for this stage so we are using it. I paired it with this preschool math from Spectrum that has a few more hands-on activities. Jude’s eyes lit up like fireworks in the sky when he saw it so I guess I did something right.

Whew! I am doing my best to wrap this up. I explain is much greater detail in my video here. Until next time friends!

Love you. Mean it.

Homeschool Curriculum Picks, Language Arts

Alrighty, mighties! Let’s get this curriculum picks series show on the road! Today we are talking all things Language Arts! (See what I did there?) Just a moment of truth here, reading, writing, and grammar are my JAM! They are where I thrive and live! My kids, however,  would prefer numbers and circuits and games and whatnot. Thus, all the business below. Alas, my disclaimer, I haven’t been paid for nor am I an affiliate marketer or brand ambassador for the following companies or products, although I should because free publicity yields sales. I digress. Last thing- If you would rather listen and/or see these, check out my YouTube videos here.

No Name A (see this post if you’re confused by the name), PreK, K-Primer and Level 1 

All About Reading, Pre-reading and Level 2

Measured Mom

Growing With Grammar

No Name B (again, see this post if you’re confused by the name,)

Dash Into Learning and other books and readers

Friends, I know. This seems like a crap-ton of stuff. I get it. Let me explain in brevity. So, before I knew that No Name A’s commitment to diversity was nothing but a mere marketing ploy, I purchased it. So… I am using it ONLY as a spine to make sure I’ve got everything covered. However, I am REALLY glad I looked for other things because these next two things I am VERY EXCITED about!

All About Reading (AAR) is a multi-sensory reading program that has no gaps. Y’all, I was going  through the lessons and there were things I was never taught. At all. In all my years of education. It is not teaching sounds and sight words, it teaches so much more with a multi-sensory approach and y’all know that is our jam. I scooped level 2 and Pre-Reading for James and Jude respectively and they are both very excited to start with it.

So, No Name A barely goes over grammar in their curriculum so I bought a supplement thinking that was the norm. I was wrong. The “supplement” I bought, Growing With Grammar, is comprehensive, yet to to the point. It is way more than a supplement, it is everything. It has short lessons that reinforce and teach new concepts.

Another thing No Name A was lacking was spelling. It had charts and reviews but never really taught how to spell a word or what spelling even was. Again, I am so glad I found other things because No Name A really had us on the struggle bus! I digress. Back to spelling. So, I stumbled across a YouTube video of Spelling You See and my game leveled up! Off to a used homeschool store sale I went a purchased level B. James started book 1 this summer and I am quite pleased! It really is spelling you see, not just sounding out a word.

Handwriting will always be Learning Without Tears! The way they teach letter formation is unparalleled! Legit, I am not aware of any comparison and I am not trying to find out any. Jude will start Kick Start To Kindergarten and James will start Letters and Numbers for me.

Again, I get that all of this seems over-the-top. I explain it all in greater detail with some peeks into what we are using here.

Ok, I know you’re thing, “How exactly is she going to use all this?” The short answer, loop schedule! The long answer? Do yourself a favor and YouTube loop scheduling because they can explain it better than I can. We are looping all the things. More on that later. 

Ok, I’ve got more coming just as soon as my fingers can type, edit and schedule. 

Love you. Mean it.

Homeschool Curriculum Picks, Bible

Hey Loves!

Let’s kick this curriculum picks series started off right! While I call this subject, “Bible”, we learn how to cultivate relationship with our creator and apply what we learn to grow our faith.

How do we do that? With the tools below! Now, just so I’m clear, we do not use all of these every day. Somedays we may not even use any! Now that that is out of the way, my last disclaimer, I haven’t been paid nor am I an affiliate marketer or brand ambassador for the following companies or products, although I should because I tell anyone who will listen about them. One more thing- want to see how I use these? Check out my YouTube videos here.

Jesus Storybook Bible

Baby Devotions Scripture Cards

Holy Moly Videos

Podcast (Kids Bible Stories, Truth Seekers)

Indescribable devotions

Scripture Memory Journal

Lessons from church 

Pinterest finds

Here is how it works, I use these planning wheels to plot and plan our bible lessons for the school year. (I’m sharing the deets on this via IG stories.) Then, I use whatever from the list above to aid in the teaching and application of the story/lesson. Make sense? (hit me up if it doesn’t.) I may combine a bible lesson with learning about an attribute of God or we may learn a bible verse to grow a character trait.

So, whatever we have planned OR if the Spirit moves, we lean into that lesson with none, one, or more of the items listed above.

Here’s the thing. I am not teaching my kids religion. I am teaching them relationship. I am not teaching them stories, I’m showing the history of grace and unending love. I’m not making sure they spit scripture verbatim, I am teaching them to live it. I don’t and won’t skip over the pain of the cross and only rejoice about heaven. I teach them that in the fire, God is there too. So, it starts with me. The things above just help.

Whew. Ok, peeps. I am really am doing my best to wrap this up. More coming ASAP.

Love you. Mean it.

2019-2020 Curriculum Review, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Hey Loves!

Is anyone struggling to plan during this time? Some days, I’m all over it. Other days, I forget I haven’t changed the wall calendar since MARCH! So, I guess you could say I am tight-rope walking that fine line. Today, we are talking about what I used for our 2019-2020 homeschool curricula and how I felt about them. Disclaimer: I was not given a single one of these products, if they were free it is because they are offered as free downloads. Let me note, that title is quite misleading. There is no “tea spillage” or anything ugly for that matter, in my opinion, and that is definitely not my intent. Per usual, I am sharing my truth and my experience.

Let’s start with brother Jude.

For the record, I know his age and I know a lot about early learning and development so don’t come for me in the comments about “let them be little”. Jude demanded a learning bin and workbooks like his brother daily for months to the extremes of committing violent acts sooooo, I found lots of free resources to make him some workbooks. I initially thought he would be over it really quickly. To date, he is not over them and when he saw next year’s curriculum he looked at me like I was Steve Harvey holding a check for a million dollars. What can I say? The kid likes learning.

The main items I used for him where these alphabet bubble finding worksheets from The Measured Mom. She is a gem and very generous. I’ve shared in stories how we use them so head over to my IG and check that homeschool highlight.

For math, we used a curricula company that I will not mention or publicize as she not only doesn’t have a stance and/or doing the work on racial injustice, when I inquired about said stand via social media, she blocked me. In the least, that’s terrible customer service so I contacted her shop provider, Teachers Pay Teachers, and only then did she unblock me and give a very basic unweighted response. We will call refer to this curriculum as No Name B. Back to math for Jude- All year long, we worked on number recognition (1-10), counting items to a specific number, shapes and colors. For my auditory learner, the multi-sensory approach offered in both of these curriculums were just what the doctor ordered and I’m very pleased with what is selected for him for next year. 

Next Up, James.

This is where it gets dicey. James has all three learning styles. (He gets it from his mama!) Said learning styles must be met and then reinforced to achieve retention and application. Still with me? So, this is where we get really eclectic…

Language Arts: During the summer of 2019, after James was reading CVC word family words, I took it back and worked on sight words, rhyming and syllables. Why? I felt like his foundation was solid-ish, and I wanted full-force, no slip, no-fall, no cracks foundation. So, we used The Measured Mom’s Rhyming Clip Cards, Syllable Clip Cards and Rhyming Games. We also used No Name B’s sight word packs. Jude is currently using the same rhyming slip cards and will use the other resources as well. We also used Explode The Code workbooks to continue working on phonics, word families and reading. We also read pack one of Dash Into Learning as a summer reading challenge and we both loved those!

Still with me? (I know this a lot and I am condensing as much as I can, promise!)

Enter the start of his “kindergarten” year, quotes because he isn’t school-age for K but we homeschool and I can say he is in Kindergarten if I want to because that’s my business. I digress. For Language Arts we used yet ANOTHER curriculum that I have used before but they will not be mentioned because they too will not take a stand on racial on injustice AFTER committing to making their curriculum more diverse. I’m baffled and honestly pissed off. They will be known as No Name A from here on out. He finished level K of that program and I am so incredibly pleased with what I selected for him next year. Like, I’m over the moon. Here is why- No Name A ALWAYS had gaps I had to supplement and fill with other activities or curricula. I thought that was normal. That is until I didn’t want to use them and found wonderful curricula solid.

Math: We used No Name A, level k. Y’all it was gorgeous. That was about it. It was taxing to complete a lesson because they took forever, had lots of manipulatives, and got to the point where it wasn’t fun. We only finished book 1 and only did the actual lessons, none of the other fluff. I sold book 2 and level 1 happily. Another thing, that curriculum only allowed you to go into the next level of the same curriculum successfully. James would’ve floundered with any other curriculum. That’s a no-go in my book.

James also used Math U See, which will refer to as, “MUS” from this point on. This is a math curriculum by Demme Learning and was referred to me by several mamas. I initially had this as my main curriculum until I realized one lesson is like four problems. There are about 5-7 lessons per chapter. James did MUS Primer and we LOVED it. I love the concept and it truly helps a child who has multiple learning styles “see” what they are doing. It is a mastery program and the company has been committed to racial injustice before it was “cool” and has receipts. 

And everything else we did together…

That’s right! Circle time (calendar, weather, morning menu), Bible, Black History, Social Studies and Science were all done together with the Jesus storybook bible, a map and lots and lots of books.

I failed at Nature study after November because I now realize I am not exploring in rain, temps colder than 70 degrees or with ornery kids. However, when those were not factors, we explored and we learned.

Alright, peeps, That’s enough for now. Coming up, everything *I think* we are doing for next year. 

Love you. Mean it.

2020-2021 Curriculum Picks: The Intro

Hey Loves!

So, our little homeschool niche of community exploded this Spring and it is only going to grow this fall. To all the rookie homeschool families, WELCOME! I can only imagine how many times your head has spinned so hard, it nearly fell off. You aren’t alone! From my understanding, even the most seasoned of homeschool parents have to re-evaluate, research and sometimes start from scratch. This was me last year. I learned so much about my kids and how they learn and even after ordering curriculum and making videos on said curriculum, I read some books and the game was forever changed. *Note: I’m only stating one book and author as she has publicly made a stand against racial injustice and the others have not. 

  • The Brave Learner, Julie Bogart

The books explained and taught me some foundational things I never had before in our homeschool journey. For starters, proper goal setting. I had no idea I was making goals incorrectly. From these books I also learned that I was homeSCHOOLing not HOMEschooling, see the difference? I wasn’t infusing our home, lifestyle, values or traditions into our learning, I was trying to create a class/ learning time that didn’t really include those things. Finally, I realized my standards fro teachings aids and curricula were wayward. There were a multitude of varying standards that ultimately added up to me having lots of things I didn’t love, forced or gave up on, etc. From these books, I learned to create my standards and how to stick to stick to them. What are my standards? Goodness. Beauty, Truth. If it doesn’t add one or more of those, it doesn’t come in. These standards aren’t just applied to learning materials, it is infused al through my home.

My hope is to be able to re-read these books every year for a “refresher” if you will. I will need it, for sure.

The next thing I always advise is to learn your child’s learning style(s) and love language(s). These are crucial for learning to take place, in my opinion. Since we are talking about my opinion, I will add that not only are learning how your child(ren) learn and feel love crucial to their learning, I feel like not giving them love how they feel love and not teaching them in the manner in which they will learn will lead to further detriment and who needs that???

Ok, so I know you want the headlines, what I am using to teach what subjects at what age/grades, how and why? I get it. I’ve scoured the blogs myself for this exact thing BUT I wish someone, anyone, would’ve started with the things above.

Now, for the curricula, I’ll be sharing them in a blog post per subject because, your scrolling limits and attention span matter to me.

The subjects for grade levels I will be sharing are:

  • Bible
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Black History
  • Enrichment `

But first, what worked this year and what didn’t.

Ok, ttyl!

Love you. Mean it.

Interview with BabyDevotions

Hey Loves!

I had the honor to do an interview all about my homeschool journey with an awesome friend and #momgoals Kayla Alonso of baby, a website packed full of amazing tools, tips and tricks for discipling your little one. In short, she is the kindest genius ever. Check out my interview here!

Love you. Mean it.

Quarantine/Social Distancing Homeschool Tips

Hey Loves!

“Times are hard and things are a changing!” Can I get an Amen? If you were not a homeschooler before mid-March 2020, I’m guessing you are one now. I can only imagine the flood of emotions that would be storming inside of me right now if this was my predicament!

My advice? Breathe. Breathe. Breathe again. Just keep remembering to breathe.

Next-see the opportunity. I know it is difficult but there is so much good to look at, see and celebrate right now.

Get help and serve, not necessarily in that order.

I’ve got some more tips and tricks for you and one for those with littles (3 and under) over on my youtube channel.

I’ll have some more content coming your way soon. 

Stay well and stay sane.

Love you. Mean it.