My Take On Psalm 130…She Shares Truth

Hey loves!

So I am accepting the challenge from She Reads Truth to do a blog post every Friday of lent on a bible chapter and/or verse(s) for the She Shares Truth Experiment. This week is Psalm 130.

Let me preface this post by saying, I’ve been praying about how and when I should use my God-given talents and it is no mistake She Reads Truth came into my life and came up with this challenge.

Ok…now for my take on Psalm 130.

Out of all the great praises and pleas in the chapter, the words that stuck out to me were “Pay attention”. I think it is funny this Psalmist asked our great God to pay attention. I mean, how could He not? He is the God that freed the Hebrews from bondage and continually saved them in battles. He even paid enough attention to the future, our present needs, and sent His son as the ultimate sacrifice so we can be forgiven. Yet, the Psalmiat insists the God pay attention to his plea.

Have you ever been there? Wanting God to pay attention to you? Your needs? Your pleas? Your desires? I have and I am here to tell you He surely is. The same God that formed you before you were born and knows the number of hairs on your head is paying attention. He hears you.

In those times of desperation and pain, I urge you to pay attention to all God did for his children, the Bible and know you are no exception.

Later in Psalm 130, I guess the author realized who he was asking to pay attention and said “7. O Israel, hope in the Lord, for the Lord exhibits loyal love, and is more than willing to deliver. 8 He will deliver Israel from all the consequences of their sins.” (NET)

Sisters, pay attention.

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  1. bellissimanh

    It’s funny how our heads can know one thing (that He is listening), and our hearts can feel another (that we’re alone in the struggle). I know that He already knows all about my issues and struggles, but He also tells me to come as the persistent widow of Luke 18… and to keep knocking, seeking and asking. It’s an exercise of faith, really. Great post, sister!

    1. themrs

      That is so true! I really appreciate you reading and commenting!

  2. bellissimanh

    It’s funny how our heads can know one thing (that He is listening), and our hearts can feel another (that we’re alone in the struggle). I know that He already knows all about my issues and struggles, but He also tells me to come as the persistent widow of Luke 18… and to keep knocking, seeking and asking. It’s an exercise of faith, really. Great post, sister!

    1. themrs

      That is so true! I really appreciate you reading and commenting!

  3. Good Ol Neech

    Reblogged this on Good Ol Neech's Corner and commented:

  4. Good Ol Neech

    Reblogged this on Good Ol Neech's Corner and commented:

  5. Good Ol Neech

    We want Him to hear us but are we living right? Are we really putting our faith in Him? This passage really spoke to me on several levels and reading your interpretation really confirmed a few things for me. Thanks lady… I enjoy reading your work by the way…

  6. Good Ol Neech

    We want Him to hear us but are we living right? Are we really putting our faith in Him? This passage really spoke to me on several levels and reading your interpretation really confirmed a few things for me. Thanks lady… I enjoy reading your work by the way…

  7. rockstarnumerouno

    Thank you for Sharing! This Blessed me!

    1. themrs

      Amen! I will be sharing one every Friday!

      1. rockstarnumerouno

        Awesome! I welcome you to my page I have also accepted the challenge!!! I hope you enjoy!

        1. themrs

          Yay! I will read! Thanks for sharing!

  8. rockstarnumerouno

    Thank you for Sharing! This Blessed me!

    1. themrs

      Amen! I will be sharing one every Friday!

      1. rockstarnumerouno

        Awesome! I welcome you to my page I have also accepted the challenge!!! I hope you enjoy!

        1. themrs

          Yay! I will read! Thanks for sharing!